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Peer Reviewed Publications
42. Schwartz, N., Powers J., Werden, L., Hansen, W.D., Chhengngunn A., Phem L., Fajeau M., Phourin, C., Kimsrim, S., Heng, S. 2025. Seeing the savanna through the trees: vegetation structure, composition and function along a forest-savanna boundary in Cambodia. Biotropica.
41. Germain, S.J., Hansen, W.D. and Canham, C.D. 2025. Reassembly of disturbed forests portends climate resilience but diversity loss. Ecosystems, 28: a9.
40. Gaglioti, B.V., D.H. Mann, G.C. Wiles, L. Andreu-Hayles, W.D. Hansen, and N. Wiesenberg. 2024. Diversified tree growth patterns buffer a temperate rainforest community from rapid climate changes. Geophysical Research Letters, e2024GL109469.
39. Hall, J., M. Sandor, B.J. Harvey, S. Parks, A.T. Trugman, A.P. Williams, and W.D. Hansen. 2024. Forest carbon storage in the Western United States: distribution, drivers, and trends. Earth’s Future, 12:e2023EF004399
38. Thom, D., Rammer, W., Albrich, K., Braziunas, K.H., Dobor, L., Dollinger, C., Hansen, W.D., Harvey B., Hlásny T., Hoecker, T.J., Honkaniemi, J., Keeton, W.S., Kobayashi, Y., Kruszka, S., Mori, A., Morris, J.E., Peters-Collaer S., Ratajczak, Z., Simensen T., Storms, I., Suzuki, K., Taylor, A.R., Turner, M.G., Willis, and S., Seidl, R. 2024. Parameters of 150 temperate and boreal tree species for an individual-based forest landscape and disturbance model. Data in Brief, 55:110662.
37. Canham, C., L. Murphy, and W.D. Hansen. 2024. Successional Dynamics of Carbon Sequestration in Forests of the Eastern United States. Ecosphere, 15:e4838.
36. Daum, K.L., W.D. Hansen, J. Gellman, A. Platinga, C. Jones, and A.T. Trugman. 2024. Do vegetation fuel reduction treatments alter forest fire severity and carbon stability in California forests? Earth's Future, 12:e2023EF003763.
35. Walker, X.J., S. Hart, W.D. Hansen, M. Jean, C.D. Brown, F.S. Chapin, III, R. Hewitt, T.N. Hollingsworth, M.C. Mack, J.F. Johnstone. 2024. Factors limiting the potential range expansion of lodgepole pine in Interior Alaska. Ecological Applications, e2983.
34. Buch, J., A.P. Williams, C Juang, W.D. Hansen, P. Gentine. 2023. Modeling wildfire activity in the western United States with machine learning. Geoscientific Model Development, 16:3407–3433.
33. Hansen, W.D., A. Foster, B. Gaglioti, R. Seidl, and W. Rammer. 2023. The Permafrost and organic layer module for forest models (POLE-FM) 1.0. Geoscientific Model Development, 16:2011-2023.
32. Shuman, J.K., J.K. Balch, R.T. Barnes, P.E. Higuera, C.I. Roos, D.W. Schwilk, E.N. Stavros, …W.D. Hansen, … and 79 other co-authors. 2022. Reimagine fire Science for the Anthropocene. PNAS Nexus, 1:pgac115 .
31. Hansen, W.D., N.B Schwartz, A.P. Williams, K. Albrich, L.M. Kueppers, A. Rammig, C.P.O. Reyer, A.C. Staver, and R. Seidl. 2022. Global forests are influenced by legacies of past inter-annual temperature variability. Environmental Research:Ecology, 1:011001.
30. Hansen, W.D., M.A. Krawchuk, A.T. Trugman, and A.P. Williams. 2022. The Dynamics Temperate and Boreal Fire and Forest-Ecosystem Simulator (DYNAFFOREST): Development and evaluation. Environmental Modelling and Software, 156:105473.
29. Williams, A.P., B. Livneh, K.A. McKinnon, W.D. Hansen, J.S. Mankin, B.I. Cook, J.E. Smerdon, A.M. Varuolo-Clarke, N.R. Bjarke, C.S. Juan, D.P Lettenmaier. 2022. Growing Impact of wildfire on western United States water supply. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119:e2114069119.
28. Gill, N.S., M.G. Turner, C.D. Brown, S.I. Glassman, S.L. Haire, W.D. Hansen, E.R. Pansing, S.B. St Clair, and D.F. Tomback. 2022. Dispersal limitations will constrain postfire forest recovery of plants and fungi. Bioscience, biab139.
27. Turner, M.G., K.H., Braziunas, W.D. Hansen, T.J. Hoecker, W. Rammer, Z. Ratajczak, A.L. Westerling, and R. Seidl. 2022. The magnitude, direction, and tempo of mountain forest change in a warmer world with more fire. Ecological Monographs, e01485.
26. Abatzoglou, J.T., D.S. Battisti, A.P. Williams, W.D. Hansen, B.J. Harvey, and C.A. Kolden. 2021. Continued increases in western US forest fire despite growing fuel constraints. Nature Communications Earth and Environment, 2:227.
25. Rammer, W., K. Braziunas, W.D. Hansen, Z. Ratajczak, A. Westerling, M.G. Turner, and R. Seidl. 2021. Widespread regeneration failure in forests of Greater Yellowstone under scenarios of future climate and fire. Global Change Biology, 27: 4339-4351.
24. Hernandez-Aguilera, J.N., W. Anderson, A.L. Bridges, M.P. Fernandez, W.D. Hansen, M.L. Maurer, E.K.I. Nébié, and A. Stock. 2021. Supporting interdisciplinary careers for sustainability. Nature Sustainability, 4:374-375.
23. Hansen, W.D., R. Fitzsimmons, J. Olnes, and A.P. Williams. 2021. An alternate vegetation type proves resilient and persists for decades following forest conversion in the North American boreal biome. Journal of Ecology, 109: 85-98.
22. Hoecker, T., W.D. Hansen, and M.G. Turner. 2020. Topographic position amplifies consequences of short-interval stand-replacing fires on postfire tree establishment in subalpine conifer forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 478: 118523.
21. Albrich, K., R. Rammer, M. Turner, Z. Ratajczak, K. Braziunas, W.D. Hansen, and R. Seidl. 2020. Simulating forest resilience. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29: 2082-2096.
20. Seidl, R., J. Honkaniemi, T. Aakala, A. Aleinikov, P. Angelstam, M. Bouchard, Y. Boulanger, P. Burton, L. De Grandpré, S. Gauthier, W.D. Hansen, J. Jepsen, K. Jõgiste, D. Kneeshaw, T. Kuuluvainen, O. Lisitsyna, K. Makoto, A. Mori, D. Pureswaran, E. Shorohova, E. Shubnitsina, A. Taylor, N. Vladimirova, F. Vodde, and C. Senf. 2020. Globally consistent climate sensitivity of natural disturbances in extratropical forest ecosystems. Ecography, 43: 967-978.
19. Hansen, W.D., D. Abendroth, W. Rammer, R. Seidl, and M.G. Turner. 2020. Can wildland fire management alter 21st-century subalpine fire and forests in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA? Ecological Applications, 30: e02030.
18. Turner, M.G., K. Braziunas, W.D. Hansen, and B.J. Harvey. 2019. Short-interval severe fire erodes the resilience of subalpine lodgepole pine forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,116:11319-11328.
17. Hansen, W.D., and M.G. Turner. 2019. Origins of abrupt change? Postfire subalpine conifer regeneration declines nonlinearly with warming and drying. Ecological Monographs, 89: e01340.
16. Braziunas, K.H., W.D. Hansen, R. Seidl, W. Rammer, and M.G. Turner. 2018. Looking beyond the mean: Drivers of variability in postfire stand development of conifers in Greater Yellowstone. Forest Ecology and Management, 430: 460-471.
15. Hansen, W.D., K.H. Braziunas, W. Rammer, R. Seidl, and M.G. Turner. 2018. It takes a few to tango. Changing climate and fire can cause regeneration failure in two subalpine conifers. Ecology, 99:966-977.
14. W.D. Hansen, J.P. Scholl, A.E. Sorensen, K.E. Fisher, J.A. Klassen, L. Calle, G.S. Kandlikar, N. Kortessis, D.C. Kucera, D.E. Marias, D.L. Narango, K. O’Keeffe, W. Recart, E. Ridolfi, M. E. Shea. 2018. How do we ensure the future of our discipline is vibrant? Student reflections on careers and culture of ecology. Ecosphere, 9: e02099.
13. Morris, J.L., S. Cottrell, C.J. Fettig, R.J. DeRose, K.M. Mattor, V.A. Carter, J. Clear, J. Clement, W.D. Hansen, J.A. Hicke, P.E. Higuera, A.W.R. Seddon, H. Seppa, R.L. Sherriff, J.D. Stednick, and S.J. Seybold. 2018. Bark beetles as agents of change in social-ecological systems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 16: S34-S43.
12. Rose, K.C., R.A. Graves, W.D. Hansen, B.J. Harvey, J. Qiu, S.A. Wood, C. Ziter, and M.G. Turner. 2017. Historical foundations and future directions of Macrosystems ecology. Ecology Letters, 20: 147-157.
11. Morris, J.L., S. Cottrell, C.J. Fettig, W.D. Hansen, R.L. Sherriff, V.A. Carter, J. Clear, J. Clement, R.J. DeRose, J.A. Hicke, P.E. Higuera, K.M. Mattor, A.W.R. Seddon, H. Seppa, J.D. Stednick, and S.J. Seybold. 2016. Managing bark beetle impacts on ecosystems and society: Priority questions to motivate future research. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54: 750-760.
10. Brinkman, T.J., W.D. Hansen, F. Stuart Chapin, Gary P. Kofinas, Shauna BurnSilver, and T. Scott Rupp. 2016. Perceptions of impacts of climate trends on subsistence resources: Importance of access. Climatic Change, 1-15.
9. Hansen, W.D., F. Stuart Chapin, Helen T. Naughton, T. Scott Rupp, David Verbyla. 2016. Forest landscape structure mediates effects of a spruce bark beetle (Dendroctonus rufipennis) outbreak on subsequent likelihood of burning in Alaskan boreal forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 369: 38-46.
8. Hansen, W.D., William H. Romme, Aisha Ba, Monica G. Turner. 2016. Shifting ecological filters mediate postfire expansion of seedling aspen (Populus tremuloides) in Yellowstone. Forest Ecology and Management, 362:218-230.
7. Hansen, W.D., Julie M. Mueller, Helen T. Naughton. 2014. Wildfire in hedonic property value studies. Western Economics Forum, 13:23-35.
6. Hansen, W.D. 2014. Generalizable principles for ecosystem stewardship-based management of social-ecological systems: Lessons learned from Alaska. Ecology and Society, 19:13 .
5. Hansen, W.D., H. Naughton. 2013. The effects of a spruce bark beetle outbreak and wildfires on property values in the wildland-urban interface of south-central Alaska, USA. Ecological Economics, 96: 141-154.
4. Brinkman T.J., G.P. Kofinas, W.D. Hansen, F.S. Chapin, S. BurnSilver, and S. Rupp. 2013. Evaluating hunting opportunities: Shifting from abundance to availability. The Wildlife Professional, 7: 38-43.
3. Hansen, W.D., T.J. Brinkman, M. Leonawicz, F.S. Chapin, G.P Kofinas. 2013. Changing Daily Wind Speeds: Implications for a Subsistence Hunting System. Arctic, 66: 448-458.
2. Hansen, W.D., H.T. Naughton. 2013. Social and ecological determinants of land clearing in the Brazilian Amazon: A spatial analysis. Land Economics, 89: 699-721.
1. Hansen, W.D., T.J. Brinkman, F.S. Chapin, C. Brown. 2013. Meeting indigenous subsistence needs: The case for prey switching in rural Alaska. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 18: 109-123.
Book Chapters
2. Hood, S.M., B.J. Harvey, P.J. Fornwalt, C.E. Naficy, W.D. Hansen, K.T. Davis, M.A. Battaglia, C. Stevens-Rumann, and V. Saab. 2021. Fire Ecology of Rocky Mountain Forests. In: Collins, B.; C. H. Greenberg, (Editors). Fire Ecology and Management: Past, Present, and Future of US Forested Ecosystems. SpringerNature.
1. Turner, M.G., D.C. Donato, W.D. Hansen, B.J. Harvey, W.H. Romme, and A.L. Westerling. Climate change and novel disturbance regimes in a national park landscape. In: Beissinger, S.R., D.D. Ackerly, H. Doremus, and G. Machlis (Editors). 2016. Science for Parks and Parks for Science: The Next Century. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, USA.